Sunday, July 25, 2010


Today has been a pretty productive yet relaxed day. I did some work on the house, made the above ipod case and did some cooking for my soon to be sister-in-law`s bridal shower. The ipod case didn`t turn out just as I would have liked in terms of the way the colours blend, but it is pretty cute and it does the job. I could make as many ipod cases as I have purses! They also can double as a protective cover for my phone. In a few months I am hoping to get an LG viewty smile. It looks pretty good, it would be absolutely perfect if it had a pull out qwerty keyboard rather than a touch keyboard.

Saturday, July 24, 2010


It is too hot to get things done today. I decided have a nap with my little kitty friend.

Thursday, July 15, 2010


I went on a road trip and it was generally pretty good. I was not incredibly happy, as there were more than a few temper tantrums from others and lots of snapping orders. There were bright moments though and that is life -a mixture! Then my car broke down on an exit ramp. We had the car towed to a hotel parking lot and stayed the night in my favourite hotel. It has cushy beds, two hot tubs, a good sized pool and free breakfast. It was a good place to be stranded. There were several locals who were incredibly kind and offered to help when we first broke down. Even stopping their cars and offering to push the Kia off the busy exit ramp!

The next day came the work of getting the car fixed or towed back home. It was long and tiring, but ended reasonably well since the Kia made it back. The trunk and back seats full of shopping as well! It was a difficult and expensive job to fix in the states, but less so at home. We rented the towing equipment and off we went.

This sister came to the rescue and she made it fun. She is a great lady for coming to do some hard work and making it into a vacation. Wonderful to have her on my side when the chips are down. I love that she is smiling and waving in this picture. She was laughing at me, because she said she knew that I would stop and take a picture of the Kia hooked up to the trailer - I am that predictable and geeky.

We ended up having to squish into the cab of a truck and were groaning like old arthritic ladies upon arriving home, but the conversation kept things interesting. The conversation and episodes of Doctor Who on my ipod. Two more episodes until the end of season 5! Bittersweet. Like this road trip.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Guess which drink was mine?

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Green Grass At last!

Finally green grass! Everything has been so brown and bleak lately. It's also going to be 20°C and sunny! A dream come true I tell you. It makes me super excited for the summer to come as well. Camping here I come!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

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